To identify possible investment candidates, use Atom’s vast database of company metrics and financial data. Choose from a wide range of screening options, such as sectors, valuation multiples, historical financials, growth rates, and forecasts. Atom’s screener displays results immediately, allowing you to make changes to your computer in real time.
Save your screens and keep an eye on new possibilities.
Build a watchlist to monitor success over time and find the ideal entry opportunity once you’ve established a range of potential investment candidates. Choose the stocks and metrics to compare, and Atom’s watchlists can populate custom charts and graphs for real-time competitive analysis. You’ll also get automated notifications for new investor documents and company events.
The smartest investment decisions are made using Atom.
Real time populate custom charts and graphs for live competitive
A full picture of your investments, allowing you to monitor overall performance.

With X-Ray Document Search, you can save time reviewing investor documents.
We’ve made all the material inside SEC filings, transcripts, presentations, and news articles searchable with X-Ray Document Search. Simply type in a keyword or phrase to get a list of all documents that match your search. To find exactly what you need, narrow your search results and filter by ticker, field, or document form.